
Physiognomy is the science of reading a person's character and destiny by face. I would even say, it is the art of understanding a person's personality. As looking at a person's face, I see a new unknown galaxy. With its peculiarities, characteristics, regularities, passed experience and future possibilities. And for me, as a specialist, it is important to realize what this galaxy is about. To study its peculiarities, principles of interaction, values and as a result to illuminate to a person its unused potential and possibilities.

Knowledge of physiognomy is a part of Chinese medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine doctors treat a person even before the onset of a disease. And they look at the original causes of the disease. And they can be in the wrongly built relationships in the family, with parents, friends, at work, with yourself .... in the non-acceptance of your qualities and capabilities, in disbalance of energies in your body, or a wrong life way the person has chosen according to his nature. It is possible to deal with it with the help of physiognomy.

When I give information using the method of physiognomy I answer such questions:

* what strong qualities and talents you have

* what kind of activity suits you the best

* how to build work and business, which partners to have, how to earn money etc

* how to build relationships in the family, at work and in other spheres.

* what current tasks in life you have and how to resolve them in terms of self-development and work, relationships.

* where are the week places in what areas of life, at what time and how to overcome them

* what can be the issues with the health and why

* what can help in transformational periods in life

And many more other questions. .

How can I read your face?

The fact is that everything is created by nature in an ideal form to solve the tasks chosen specifically by this soul in her life. Agree that, for example, a tree has such a shape of leaves, trunk and fruits, which suits best for the area where it grows, to reproduce and get everything it needs. Similarly, man is created by nature to perform certain tasks, and he already has everything he needs and it can be described by his face. Also during his life pass everything is written on the face like on a personal book which can be read . Knowing some important principles, one can study the face as a “scientist”, make certain conclusions and apply them in life. And of course, besides that I apply my own business, psychology, self-development experience.

I’m doing reading now for mote than 10 years. And pass that knowledge to people. My teacher got that knowledge from Chinese master.

What do my consultations give as a result?

Understanding of your nature, strong qualities and possibilities, why you make some choices in life, understanding of what you need to change in your life, what to except and use, where to go from here. I write you a document with full answers and additional information which can help you to make some important choices.

How does a consultation happens?

You send me a photo of this format, in good quality and preferably taken in daylight. Hair up, ears visible.
You describe your questions and your situation clearly. I carefully study, analyse and send you the conclusions in a written form. I need few days for this work. Then in a few days we meet and discuss your situation in person or online. You ask your questions on the written information, and I make sure that you understand how to apply this information. The duration of the consultation is 1 hour.
If necessary, I give you some additional homework (practices etc).

The price for this kind of work is 200 euro

Also one more format is possible now - a meeting for 30 minutes where I tell you in the process what I see from your face. It is without deep analyses, but in works to receive quick answers on your question.

The price for this kind of work is 50 euro

Important: this is not a prediction. I give you concrete information you can use in your life to practically to change it.
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